Morning Thoughts: Interdependence Matters

We may as well fuck off into space because we’re no longer capable of acting like what we are – organic chemistry withing an interdependent environment, within which, all things both require us and are required by us.

Looking around, I think that most people do not want free speech so much as they want their speech. How do we solve for that? I’m pretty sure there’s an n-player Nash Equilibrium laying around in someone’s office. (Psst… #gaming…. I’m talking here… you #paying #attention?)

My odd use of the hashtag is no real cause for concern. I haven’t developed a form of electronic Tourette’s, I’m just tagging with deliberation as a form of predator signaling. If you understand what that is, you get why I’m doing it, and we’re both very clever monkeys, indeed. If not, well, reckon you need to go read this:

Honest signaling during prey–predator interactions in the lizard Anolis cristatellus