Freedom is a state of mind (2003)

From the archives:

Someone said elsewhere:

 Freedom comes from within – it’s not fought for, or granted.

And of course, many took umbrage. I happen to agree with the poster who said this, and for the same reasons. Freedom is not a state of being, it is a state of mind. People often confuse the two and it seems most propaganda is designed to support that confusion.

Freedom is not a state of collective mind, a collective mind does not exist. Freedom is a state of individual mind. Such a state, by definition, cannot be ‘given’ to you any more than it can be ‘fought for’ by someone else on your behalf. While the politicos and pundits make great and blustery speeches on how they and those they command ‘fight for your freedom’, in reality they fight only amongst themselves for the appearance of your support… and that only until the voting booths are closed.

Fact is, your freedom exists independently of what others do. They can subjucate you, but that is also by definition a tacit admission that you do indeed have freedom. It has to exist, and they have to recognize that it exists before they can use force to take it from you. Capiche?

“Well sure, you can ignore everything but your own interests and desires… but eventually you’re gonna be locked up and executed.” You’re right. That’s exactly what will happen. See above.

That freedom does or does not exist is not the question, though many use it to distract you. That freedom is a state of mind and not a state of being is the thing so many work so hard to insure you never see or embrace.

After all, how can there be any control if you’re willing to die for YOUR freedom and not someone else’s?

The ‘good citizen’ will always say, ‘This is the way it must be because this is the way that is good for the many.’ The free person will always say, ‘This is the way it must be because this is the way that is good.’ The difference is never an issue until there is something the ‘good citizen’ wants that the free person is not willing to give them. This is the point at which the ‘good citizen’ picks up their gun and forces the free person to do so. ‘For the greater good’, they proclaim as they handcuff you and stick you in a cell.

Whose greater good? What right have they to judge themselves greater than you that they can justify taking from you by force?

They will point to their rules and say, ‘This gives me the right.’ They will show you their holy book and say, ‘This gives me the right.’ They will pull from their pocket the sacred emblem and say, ‘This gives me the right.’ They will raise many to agree with them and say, ‘This gives me the right.’

But contracts I never signed are not binding upon me. And beliefs I do not hold are not binding upon me. And emblems that mean nothing to me are not binding upon me. And mobs who disagree with me are not binding upon me.

That is the truth of freedom. And it stands defiant in the face of every ‘reason’ that is brought from outside to stand against it. And the most any external force can do is destroy that freedom… and the free mind finds that preferrable because the free mind knows that to do so is to admit not only that no one can make you do that which you will not, but that… in the end… they prove freedom is indeed a state of mind and not one of being.

Think about it.

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