addition @ 2:25am (blergh!) – woke up with this weird poem in my head…
taking all your fear
swallowing it then
spewing it over you
realise, wake, be
cowering, trying to hide
my roar follows you
you hear it in the night
oh weep, oh despair
ego and pride
you cherish
your suffering
a treasured thing
once you named me
baba yaga
yes, no, neither, both
remembering all
sitting in the water
you tremble and palsy
i am lion-headed, wrathful
oh you cannot hide
reject the lesson
eternity waits
as do i
as do we all
byad-ma, byad-kha
provocation given
and received
will not fail
scatter yourself
leaves upon wind
you cannot hide
from forever
not from you-me
not from me-you
illusion fades
do not cling
(wowsah. not sure what some of that means, but it felt GOOD to put it here.)