08-22-06, am

today’s comfort and insight, courtesy of Ven. Thubten Chodron:

when we develop an intention to free ourselves from cyclic existence and its causes and to attain liberation,…we decide, for the first time in our life, that we’re really committed to being happy. because you see, when we chase samsaric pleasures, we’re not really committed to being happy. we’re committed to being addicts. 

i find i like the manner in which the universe layers lessons onto the path for me. these words, certain synchronicities, odd appearances of friends long missed, new friends with just the right words to help me through, all of it. sometimes, it seems almost awe-inspiring, how it weaves together when most moments, it seems so random.

i begin to understand, it is never random. this too, is comfort. all things for a reason. all things toward learning.

i am slowly becoming committed to being happy. it is a welcome change. long overdue, really.

and to you, Heath Michael Rezabek, i have only one thing left to say — by the power of the thread that binds us all, from this day until all waken, may all your dreams come true the moment you desire them.

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