09-01-06, pm

a lesson found today…
If you are experiencing people around you who are unpleasant, it is the fruit of your unpleasantness in the past. There is no remedy for what you are experiencing this minute because that karma has ripened already.

If you want your future to be free of unpleasant people, do this… Don’t yell back, don’t get upset, just take refuge in the Three Jewels and marvel at how you created this screaming, pushy person in front of you. Vow not to do whatever it was you did to get to this moment again!

The lesson is of emptiness.

Someone is yelling at you. To you that moment sucks and the person yelling at you is an asshole.

To someone watching who doesn’t like you, the moment is funny and the yeller is a great person.

To someone who doesn’t know you the yeller is just yelling and you are just the person getting yelled at.

Who is right? All three, because it is all about perspective.

The yeller is empty. You, the person who doesn’t like you, and the person who doesn’t know you are all projecting their own concepts onto the yeller.

So, when others around you are intolerable, bear the bad moment with grace, knowing that by not acting negatively toward these people you are obliterating them from your future.

That is how you destroy attachment. This is how you learn to eliminate suffering. This is the path to emptiness.

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