09-12-06, am

re-reading notes from a new friend, i found a reference i didn’t know. naturally, this sent me to look it up.
the result… a small piece of a page that summarized a much larger and more encompassing thing, and in which i see many things, not the least of which is the answer to a question that has bothered me for the last months and which i had thought to set aside as imponderable.

the question was — ‘how does someone speak so well about doing something, but manage so poorly when it comes to actually doing it?’

i suppose you can guess what that’s in relation to… and the interesting part is, of all, that was the only question left unanswered. sure, i had guesses, many of them. i’ve written about them at length. (of course, most are now stashed in my private archives, as i refuse to inflate those egos any further than they are already.)

it is really very comforting how the universe sends the things needed in the moment needed. this, the second such in less than 24 hours. the first, a reminder of something important and to treasure something important as such, lest in doing otherwise, it be lost.

anyway — here’s the link i found, and the answer to the question lies in the explanation of the stages themselves. the ones in particular that relate to the matter being ‘denial’ ‘immobilization’ and ‘depression’. and, of course, i remind myself that my presence broke both… a good thing. yes. a good thing.


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