09-17-06, pm ps

got an email from a friend in the uk tonight. he sends to me a most unusual image. the artist, someone by the name of ‘varo’. in looking at it, i knew at once why he sent it, and i smiled for it.

the woman in the image stands with a shimmering circle in her hands. but it is sharp and unable to be other than hurtful. at the point where it met in front of her, there is now a gap. she has broken it. and inside her, the skies over the forest finally clear, and a path may be seen that leads forward. there is a raven by her feet… but behind her… trickster behind her, she no longer looks to him.

he didn’t tell me what it is called. i had to look it up. a more fitting name i could not imagine… ‘breaking the vicious circle’.

indeed. i wrote him back and thanked him. it is a beautiful and ethereal image. for now, it is my desktop. i include it here for those who might be interested to see it.

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