have stayed up entirely too long, spent entirely too much time distracting myself, and now, fuzzy-minded and drowsy, trying to get my thoughts in order enough to say something here before sleeping.
all i can think to say is, ‘life is like a cricket, everytime you think it’s going to be quiet, the damn thing makes noise… and every time you try to corner it so you can let it out the door, it just leaps in an entirely new direction and taunts you by scritching so loud you have to laugh because let’s face it… what else could be so damned shameless?’
there’s a cricket outside my window. there’s a cricket in my meadow. the one in my meadow was last seen sitting on the windshield, singing as i fell asleep. i’ve always thought he was waiting for the right moment to tell me something important, but i’ve always been afraid to ask him because then he’d actually tell me.
hmm. now that the canyon is sealed and we’re on the road to a place i’ve never been, maybe it would be a good time to ask him. i’m thinking about it. drowsily. for now… sleep.