10-20-06, early pm

going through old screenshots, emptying the archives, uploading those i wish to keep. i came across one that brought a smile… it was the moment that i knew things were going to be ok, and the moment in which i realized just how great a gift the universe sent to me in Heath.

at the instant of it, the realization new, i could say it, but not really feel it all through me. since then, it has settled. now, when i look at this snippet of a much longer conversation, i remember the feelings of that moment, and the feelings since that moment, and trace the path from there to here… and frankly, am thankful for whatever it is that lends to me this ability to move through.

i am told by others that it is unusual. meh. yeah, yeah, ok, i really don’t want to embrace that, it is too much like pride. does it matter that it may be unusual? i really do not think so. sure, it feels good to hear it from others. bleh. human. i feel i shouldn’t feel so good to hear it.

but in the midst of this processing of ‘the list’ and all the introspection and assimilation that is happening, i find this memory deserves its own frame.

i pondered removing the character names, but since neither exist any longer, found it unneccessary. chuckling, i name it a demonstration of impermanence. souls go ever on, names and presence changing.

anyway… back to clearing out the archives.

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