advice to another

this item, copied here from a post i made to an e-sangha. the particulars will remain unsaid. the message is a good one, regardless.

you say ‘it’s like telling a mockingbird to be himself.’ that’s exactly right.

does a mockingbird sit around and ask what they should be?

does a mockingbird weep for worry over what they should be?

does a mockingbird fear for what others will think of what they are?

you look outside for all answers and ignore yourself, you say what you need is found anywhere other than within you.

you discount your value to yourself and in every moment tell yourself that you have nothing with which to help yourself, and only someone else can do this.

and you are surprised that you despair?

you come here and by turns weep then curse everyone for not being what you need.

but if you cannot be what you need, how can you expect anyone else to?

you abuse the compassion of others by refusing to accept it fully, and abuse yourself before all of us… how can you not know this is a hurtful thing?

there are many here who wish you well.

many who have taken the time to try and comfort.

many who speak of you each day and send all thoughts for help, healing, wellness, contentment, becoming, and peace.

many who breathe for you.

yet you refuse to do any of these things for yourself.

no one can do these things for you. it is impossible.

you have your own answers, but you hide from them. are you so happy with the suffering? of course not. but what is it of the suffering that is attractive to you? it allows you to continue avoiding a truth you already know.

what is that truth? you do not need anyone else to speak it, it whispers in your heart and you turn up the volume of your anger and fear and pride so you do not have to hear it.

you scream so loudly that you cannot hear yourself.

and you scream so loudly that you cannot hear others who have tried to help you quiet long enough to hear yourself.

there is no avoiding truth. the truth is, you must do this for yourself.

isn’t it time to get started?

the moment is now.

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