11-06-06, early am

today’s thought from the sangha comes from a woman who just died. a member of a sangha i have been blessed to know at distance. i am soon to be doubly blessed to know this sangha personally.

“We are all here for only a short time and we must all do the best we can when we know what that is…

Our relationships with one another are like a brief moment in time. We see each other, smile, and pass each other and that is all – that is what life is – just a moment, a meeting, a passing, and then it is gone.

Understanding this, there is no time to fight, to argue, or to hurt each other.

Whether you think about this in terms of humanity as a whole, or about individuals, there is no time for anything less than truly appreciating the brief time we have with one another.”

meaningful words. beautiful words. true words.

taking a moment to think about this. to think of others. there are very few met who moved past in fighting or anger. but there are some. here’s to striving to insure there are no more. it seems a worthy effort.

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