11-07-06, am

interesting things. a bank correction has been given me that results in an unexpected deposit. the thing is, i do not see any error in going back through my account. so i’m puzzled and uncertain about this funding.

i decide not to touch it for a month (if i can manage it) and see if they take it back.

reviewing finances, logistics, and such last night, i discover the unemployment ends sooner than initially thought. the end of this month, to be precise. i smile for the way in which things seem to be moving toward remedy and not disaster. very thankful to see it.

an email arrived this morning from the potential landlord saying that, pending rental references coming in ‘ok’, they will approve me for move-in. this, very good news indeed, and should it unfold as such, will be a huge relief on many levels.

it will also be the trigger to set in motion box collection and packing. heh.

in other news, my daughter had her first day of vocational training yesterday. she called me last night flush with enthusiasm and enjoyment. it was so good to hear her so happy.

she spoke at length about how wonderful it was to be in a holistic environment, where people cared about inner as well as outer balance, things were not all superficial, and there was learning to be savored.

it made me smile for many reasons, not the least of which is that she has finally found in herself a thirst for knowledge. i suspect she may well take other courses and perhaps even see about college after all.

hmm. what else. ah. i finished book five of the ‘crown of stars’ series. (told you i chew through them.) soon to start book six. book seven, the finale, is not yet in print. bleh.

oh, and i learn that the new apartment is close to the library and the downtown area of the city. this, not a bad thing. i intend to check into local activities, volunteering at the animal shelter, and some other things. it is time to get back out into the world, i think.

all in all, i am in a nice place. for the first time in seven years, i can actually see some daylight. it is interesting. i thought back in january that i was stepping out into daylight, but in truth, no. i can see the difference now. that moment was me lingering in the doorway, blinking owlishly at the world and not real sure i wanted to rush out there and be kicked around some more….

this year has been about remembering myself. it is odd, but the analogy of amnesia is actually fairly applicable. not literally, of course… but strongly figurative.

i am actually looking forward to this move. it feels good, for all the last week or two have been rather rollercoasterish. perhaps i really am finding my center again… what a pleasant thought.

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