11-07-06, pm

huzzah! the apartment is mine! i spent this day entire arranging logistics for the move, contacting service providers and updating accounts, and generally doing all the preliminary work to insure this move proceeds smoothly and without any hitches.

the only ones i haven’t gotten confirmation out of yet are the bank and the auto insurance company. but no worries for it, both are known to be slow movers. heh. a pun.

i cross from being cautiously optimistic to outright excited. everything has gone so right with this, that i’m giddy. stars. not only a beautiful location, but a return to my career. frankly, i’m just quivering in the dust thankful for it all.

the contract (!!) arrived today. two years is the term they offer and the notion of that kind of commitment as a starting point is just… sublime. er. let me clarify that. it is not a contract position, it is a permanent position. but as they are providing some toward expenses, they want a guarantee of my remaining a minimum of two years.

heh. as if i want anything more than to be in one place until i shuffle off to retirement. let them try to pry my out, it will take a much bigger crowbar than they can imagine. *grin*

so. tomorrow is to collect boxes, do laundry, and pack up all but what is being used this instant. also, to begin segregating that which will go on the truck and that which will go in my truck.

i spoke with ‘mom’ today and she may well ride down with me and hitch a ride back with her husband, who is a truck driver (over the road). that is a very pleasant thought. she and i have not had much time together since i moved to this apartment and i have missed her.

now that i’ve got all that giddiness out, here is the thing that really put me in the dust, humbled me, and also confirmed and validated me. the woman who is renting this apartment to me is a stranger. we met by phone last week. i explained to her my situation and my hopes for coming to florida. it was an unusual conversation for many reasons.

she takes what is essentially a risk in renting to me. and when she called me today to tell me that she had decided to do so, this is what she said,

“normally, i would not even consider this. but ever since i have been speaking with you, i have this huge urge to help you. i know that i do not know you, but i feel as if i do. not only this, i feel as if there is some reason why i should be helping you. i am a good judge of character, and there is something in your voice that tells me you are someone i can trust.”

what a delightful gift to receive from another. not for ‘me’, but for the manner in which it underscores connection and unity and that things really do work in concert when we permit them to do so.

had i not been rejected by these other places, i would not meet this person. and like her, i have a sense there is some purpose to it. Focus.

i smile.

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