11-09-06, pm

a very good day. boxes and tape and markers, oh my! *grin* i’m preparing to prepare for the move. oddly, as i am doing so, i continue to be bombarded with reminders of things i seem to have forgotten over the last seven years.

on occasion, i have mentioned the concept of all things being one, that the universe itself tends all things, the reality that is Focus, and sundry things thereto related. these things, my own hodge-podge tradition, created from the ground up based upon life experience, thoughts, dreams, and what knowledge i have been fortunate enough to find and assimilate.

last night, while cruising the e-sangha, i came across a video that so closely mirrors all of these things as to set me to wonderment. now granted, the theme and ‘pitch’ of it is of that salesy variety that usually reminds me of a smoked gouda. cut-scenes and scoring and pop culture wrappers to make it more presentable.

i suppose to try and quantify it would be pointless. take zen, quantum physics, gaia theory, and sympathetic harmonics… add a dash of personal responsibility and sprinkle lightly with hope.

i’ll link it at the end of this post, but the point in this moment is simply to say ‘i am remembering’.

in other news, there is some question as to whether or not i’m going to be able to avoid having to swallow full lease termination penalties for the apartment here in georgia. looking at the timing of it all, here doesn’t seem to be a way to cover all that needs to be covered for the move and getting to the first payday there AND maintaining this place as well.

i send a thought off quick and helpful resolution off to be realized and decide to go ahead and turn in my notice as well as offer to make payments until the balance is resolved. if nothing else, this will keep it from going to collections and further tarnishing my already pitiful credit. it will also immediately relieve the pressure and stress of worrying about ‘how i am going to manage it’ (i’m not) so i can focus on what is happening in the here and now.

it is a certainty they will work with me, since sending me to collections means they lost anywhere from 25-50% of whatever is collected in fees. so… a workable solution, even if not an optimum one.

all else is smooth as silk. utilities scheduled for cutoff and turn-on in the new apartment, phone service is scheduled for change on the 17th, i can drop off the broadband router on my way out of town and they will shut it off that instant.

i’ll do laundry tomorrow (really! i will!) and then, pack up everything that has not had my hand on it in these last six months.

heh. the cats are fascinated by the boxes. little do they know. i have a large resin crate they will be in for the drive. the cats, the computer, my clothing, pillows, blankets, dishes, and artwork will travel with me. the rest goes with the movers.

other than mild spasms for making it to the first payday, i am comfortable with it all. and i’m sure things will manifest as they should along the way, so even the spasms aren’t that severe.

i remain enthused and smiling. good things are coming to me. and will continue to do so.

This link is to a Kuan Yin shrine page at Myspace.com… and certainly there is good to that of itself, but the purpose of the link is to provide access to the video mentioned in the above, which you will find in the mid-right column of the profile. Enjoy.

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