11-14-06, early pm

well. everything except odds and ends of the kitchen, the bathroom, and of course, the computer are packed and ready to roll.

i am very pleased at how well it has come together, and am still patting myself on the back for keeping the boxes the dishes, glasses, and pots/pans came in… that has made things infinitely easier.

the cats are angry with me for packing all their toys away. they lay on the chair, curled up with one another, and glare at me sulkily whenever i move through the room. *chuckle*

my daughter called. she is not going to be able to stop by before i have to head out. but she’s trying to arrange to come down for the thanksgiving holiday. heh. turkey on the beach, i said. we laughed.

she tells me as well that she decided to forward to my son an item i wrote to her on the matter. i am ambivilant as to the wisdom in it… but it is done, so instead, i simply hope he understands.

not much else to report. back to the boxes with me!

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