11-17-06, pm

wow. i’m actually here. not only am i here, but all things turn so well and flow so smoothly to this moment that i am mildly boggled for it.

when i arrived, the landlady decided on the spot to further discount my move-in cost. this saved me half of the expected rent, which means i can eat until my first payday. heh. a good thing.

the installation crew for internet and cable said they had no request for pre-payment (contrary to what i was told when i called for service)… so a savings there as well.

the local sangha has their spiritual advisor, a dozgen monk, coming in from tibet to deliver teachings this weekend. this, one of only two visits he can make each year. a blessing to arrive in this moment.

the teacher of this sangha contacted me to ask after safe arrival and provide directions. it turns out the meeting hall is mere minutes from my apartment.

i went to the new office today to meet everyone and we went out for lunch. all four of us hit it off immediately and well. so much so that i’m boggled for this, too.

it just seems that every where i turn in this moment, blessings and fortunate things, or auspicious signs wait to greet me. i feel so very thoroughly humbled by it. it has been some time since such soft and thronging things were present in relation to me. in many ways, it is balm… and gift… and comfort.

i am where i am supposed to be. i know it. feel it eyeballs to toenails. hard to describe, and a feeling i have missed for the last ten years or so.

it is with deep thankfulness that i embrace its return.

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