
thoughts upon retuning home from a trip to the bank…

people do weird things when they think no one is watching. a lady in line at the bank today, safe in her cocoon of invisibility, enjoyed a long, leisurely scratching of her ass. i found myself wondering how she could dig like that and not injure herself.

the man turning from the teller watched me watching her and had this look of disgust on his face. i can only imagine what he was thinking.

the teller looked bored.

on the way home, i counted five people picking their noses in traffic.

idle thoughts. i wonder where they put the boogers. or if they clean the insides of the car often enough to avoid buildup.

or if they just eat them.

idle thoughts. potala and jasmine make great incense. and tile floors are not fun after a shower.

idle thoughts. i wonder if i’ll have enough food to get by until the first paycheck. bagels and water are ok, but what i wouldn’t give for a slab of dead cow, cooked to a nice crisp.

idle thoughts. blank sheet of paper and the pen is out of ink. just as well i prefer typing.

idle. leggo beast plays ‘one size fits all’. i find that interesting. turn it around… all sizes fit one. idle. all. fit. one.

i am alone in a new city, but i am going to have turkey on the beach for thanksgiving. just me and a lone, basted bird, and probably sandy stuffing.

maybe i’ll volunteer at the local shelter instead. sandless, i know, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

id. le.

where’d the red dot go?

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