11-24-06, early am

whew. wore myself out unpacking and fell into bed at about 6pm last night… which, of course, means i am now awake.

the place is 95% unpacked. the cats are happy. heh. when ‘their house’ came in from the truck, it was truly touching how they started mewing and following it… they have settled down greatly since it got here. goodness, had i known how much it meant, i would have packed it in the truck.

so. no more folding chair. my hips are thankful. and i now have the bed. no more blow-up mattress. once more, my hips are thankful. heh. my ‘bed’ is a piece of high-density foam that lays upon the floor. i had a frame (platform) for it, but odd as it may sound, i prefer it on the floor. (plus the frame broke when it was being moved.)

and, for the first time since 2000, i have television *with* cable. had to laugh, though. tried to find something to watch before going to bed and there just wasn’t anything that held my interest. found an interesting series called ‘eureka’ on sci-fi, but even that only kept me intrigued for about 30 minutes.

i am, however, looking forward to the on-demand nat’l geo and nature channels. also the on-demand music… though i doubt seriously they have ambient/trance/electronica.

in the ‘wow… that’s progress’ department, today’s happy/sad thought:

i really am over him.

i’m still at that place where i’m reminding myself, you know, that kind of surprised wondering… repeating it to make sure it doesn’t change when i’m not looking.

i have been using the three of them for meditation lately. i found it at first interesting how convenient the universe provided three people to match the need for three of the four states of mind. ongoing mahamudra efforts become more fruitful as a result of this as well.

sometimes i wonder what is wrong with me. i read all of this stuff telling me how hard it is, or how impossible it is to sustain, etc. and when i set the mind to it, i simply do not find it difficult at all. what is difficult is choosing to set the mind to it. once the decision is made, it is simple.

i must be missing something that would help it make sense. we’ll see. classes and group practice resume on december 1st. i’m looking forward to it. so many questions. heh.

potala is a wonderful thing. i think i like it better than jasmine. (random note, just lit some to enjoy while typing.)

ah, yes, meant to note as well that the feeling of being ‘inbetween’ has been increasing since the 19th. i’m somewhat detached from it, which i suppose is as it should be, watching from ‘outside myself’ so to speak. curious, but not reaching. thusfar, it proves a remarkably stable state. mentioning it, but nothing more. we’ll see if/how it lasts.

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