11-24-06, pm

a quiet, peaceful day of unpacking.

i’ve done a little more work on the sangha’s site. it’s almost ready to go live. they express an interest in a ‘flat text’ site as opposed to a blog or other CMS system, which puzzles me…. but i’ll be creating a flat version for them to compare and contrast so they can decide upon seeing which they prefer.

meetings are suspended until the 1st for the thanksgiving holiday, as many are traveling to enjoy that with their families. i had plans to visit a friend in another town myself, but after spending the day unpacking, i wound up falling asleep… so i suppose i had dreams of a thanksgiving meal, rather than the actuality of it. no matter. i am content.

i’ve been working on some sound bites and recitations for the splice profile. an English translation of the ‘short refuge’ prayer was uploaded last night. also, a recitation of the ‘four immeasureables’ that i edited into filtered and gated versions. i’m hopeful others will find them interesting and use them in mixes… thus delivering the words to others.

i intend to ask Rinpoche when i next have a chance which of the prayers and mantras are allowed to be presented in this format. i understand some are not… though i know the two i have are ok… since i find them online as well.

i’m also looking for a good pronounciation guide, preferably spoken. the chants are beautiful but i’m having a hard time wrapping my mouth around some of them. it would be helpful to have a spoken vocabulary for such a thing. indeed, once i can confirm correct pronounciation, i may well create one.

not much else to mention in this moment. i’m oddly sleepy… i was up until about 7am unpacking. slept thereafter until about 5ish… but am groggy and still sleepy. thoughts of coffee. i’m out. sigh. i miss coffee.

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