11-28-06, pm

three words: sumatran black satin.

it really is the little things that make life pleasant. today, day two of the new job, very relaxed and got a good bit done. already handed off a new requirement for a fast-fix process and we’re gearing up for a full scale enterprise model (workflow analysis).

it is hard to describe how good it feels to be back in this area of work. i didn’t think i missed it so much. stars, was i wrong.

in other news, i may be either borrowing or picking up a keyboard soon. heh. i’m excited for thoughts of ripping out new melody and working with j on composition and songs. there’s a spot of preparation to get through for him, but nothing as major as it sounded initially.

i’m mildly thoughtful on the idea of taking tibetan chant and working them into ambient compositions. it just seems like a thing that would be as amazing as it would be helpful. the old scratch tapes i lost circa houston and the bust, but a good bit of them are still in my head.

not much else at the moment. the thrift store shuffle is still underway. i’m surprised to find most close up at 4:30-5:00. ah well. that’s what the weekend is for, i suppose.

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