loki & glut

scrytched piece on the name and nature of loki, from the perspective of Glut, modernized, of course.

i think the thing i liked best of him was his weird ways. you know how there are some people who seem like they’re running at wrong angles to life? they always zig when the rest of the world is zagging, or are in mid-air just as the bottom is falling out? or they stand up just as the boom is lowered?

he had a knack for it. still does, i’m sure.

i concluded he was secretly made of titanium. sound effects in my head every time i witnessed another amazing collision. colorful ones, like the old batman tv series… ‘KAH-POW!’ or ‘BLAMMO!’ or now and then the ol’ ‘YEOW-SAH!’

collateral damage was not a concept he grasped. i have tinitis still. memory plays back those moments and it sounds like a ’40’s radiocast. gaps here and there of noise… that’s where the collisions occurred.

if i turn my thoughts west, i sometimes imagine i can still hear him… or at least, the echoes of him. studio effects… loud crashes, dishes shattering, clangs and bangs and the occasional ‘oof!’ of someone taken in the solar plexus.

the strand of my thoughts is like an old rope… it frays and will, i know, soon snap. but, for now, it is merely pulled taunt… tin-can telephone… i listen, but it’s banging on the ground. sounds like it’s caught on the heel of his shoe.

i listen, but all i hear are footsteps. forever footsteps. fast moving, slap slap slap slap, and the occasional grunt… running away.

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