zaadz – my goodness!

i love the universe. i love life. i love the internet. i especially love when all three deliver to my awareness something like this….

i just finished an entry and was about to close up the browser and go do laundry… and i had a thought to tap the root domain for the site from which the previous quote was lifted.

oh, delight. synchronicity. perfection. i am so glad i did.

“zaad”, as the main page will tell you, is dutch for ‘seed’. if the reason this immediately strikes fire here doesn’t occur to you, then you’re new ’round these parts. (smile)

zaadz is a selective network of positive minded people working for benefit and positive presence in the world.

it’s a blog yes. all members have a page. but it is also a network of social events, committed companies, and more than i think i can adequately convey in this space.

i am still sitting here in soft wonderment of finding it.

and yes, i immediately signed up… which led me to the next shock of delight… they actually care who is a member. they actually take the time to review your reasons for wishing to partake and contribute AND insure to their satisfaction that it is reasonable to conclude you are, in fact, a person seeking harmony, peace, balance, and benefit.

i’ve never been so happy to be screened in all my life.

in scanning the comments, this quote, which just seals it all and sums it up so perfectly:

“It is unethical not to know. It is unethical not to think. It is unethical not to love. It is unethical not to live an impassioned life. It is unethical not to attain greatness. It is unethical to succumb to the fear of envy and the conspiracy of mediocrity. It is unethical not to self-bestow genius. It is unethical not to be the first monkey.” – Yasuhiko Genku Kimura


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