blind, to the last

between insight from the Sangha, Rinpoche, reading, and meditation and the latest, this was really an easy choice to make.


there is much thankfulness here for it. the bhain sidhe says with a growl, ‘about fooking time.’ the bodhisattva sighs and is silent.

from: heath rezabek
to: Exsultare Fenix
date: Dec 8, 2006 12:07 AM
subject: out

the things you have written about me in that place make me sick. and the wedge you try to drive between myself and my loved ones i will never again forget. i will not accept those domains from you. they are poisoned offerings.

out. out. out.


from: Exsultare Fenix
to: heath rezabek
date: Dec 8, 2006 7:09 AM
subject: Re: out

happily. utterly. finally.

when you can read it all and see beyond your own ego in it, then and only then could you ever hope to see the truth — the poison isn’t coming from me — it’s inside you.

no. really. don’t bother. you’re blocked.

done. the grave is sealed, the vættir left to rest in whatever peace may be found, and i set myself to make better of it all than the things ego would find in it. i will set this one, quietly and privately, in a meadow, a cross and a remembrance of a lesson not to be repeated.

blind to the very last, he seeks only to injure… but there is nothing left to cut. all ways but one, and that one was never a thing he could see, let alone touch.

practice. practice. practice makes perfection… some day.

blind, both of us, stumbling and cursing one another.

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