bhain sidhe (1 of n)

let me tell you a story. it’s funny. you’ll laugh. a comedy of errors, mistakes on all sides, none go unpunished.

there are three clowns. once upon a time, they traveled together. but that was a long time ago. still, they have not completely forgotten one another’s names. yet.

clown 1 is trying to do something nice for clown 2.

it is goal clown 1 has had for some time, but every time they try, clown 3 interferes or poisons it by casting aspersions on intent and motivation.

this, a known thing that has been confirmed over time, it is no longer doubted by clown 1 that clown 3 hates them and will stop at nothing to insure they are irrevocably exiled from the universe of clown 2.

clown 3 often disguises their hate as concern for clown 2, but there are many (of which clown 1 is but one) who believe clown 3 is wounded and jealous for the closeness that clown 1 and 2 have shared and has set themself to destroy it at all cost. a goal in which they have largely succeeded, often thanks to the clever machinations of clown 3 and the niavete of clown 2.

in this scene, clown 1 gets an email telling them that clown 3 is attempting to steal something precious from them.

clown 1, having known only lies, deceipt, and ill will from clown 3, believes it without question. why would they do otherwise?

clown 1 writes clown 2 and tells them they will not move an inch further until it is confirmed or denied that clown 3 has or has not committed an act of instigatory ill will.

clown 2, having been convinced by clown 3 that clown 1 only wants to drive a wedge between themselves and clown 3 (this, a thing planted by clown 3 as insurance against ever being discovered, a last ace), ignores completely that the request was for information and confirmation and not an accusation but by possibility.

assuming clown 1 is ‘only trying to cause trouble’ clown 2 angrily lashes out at clown 1, saying clown 3 is loved, clown 1 is not, and that clown 1 should simply go away.

clown 3 takes the opportunity to hang a small sign of triumphant victory in a place where it is known clown 1 will see it as they are leaving in tears.

clown 1 does, in fact, see the sign, and any doubt of clown 3’s intent is finally, fully, and utterly removed.

not that it matters… clown 3 has succeeded. the alienation is complete.

but the ultimate comedic genius lays not with any of the trio, but with karma herself.

arriving home, clown 1 finds a small note in the mailbox saying the error that made it seem clown 3 was attempting to steal something was, in fact, the fault of another… a truly impartial third party.

dark humor.

clown 3 was innocent of the act, even as their intentions are fully revealed… hidden in plain site of all three (and many more besides)… and in it, utterly confirmed.

clown 2 remains blissfully ignorant of how they have been manipulated and is now unable to remember enough of clown 1 to know how far in the weeds they have gone.

clown 1 is exiled, and, too hurt and weary and angry for wounds undeserved, finally accepts it.

3…2…1… fade to black. laugh track. isn’t it just so wonderfully funny?

the comedy of errors is a true work of universal irony that cannot be fully explained, only felt.

clown 1 is a fool, of course. what manner of idiot tries to do something nice or good for someone who only spits on them, accuses them of evil, malignant things, and tells them how unloved they are?

maybe now they will stop thinking it is possible to overcome preferred perspectives. ’bout fooking time, if you ask me.

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