Sangha exchange, thought of comfort

this, an exchange occuring at an e-Sangha, seems something i should remind myself of often for reasons that may be obvious. so, setting it here.

TURDZILLA wrote: I guess only a Buddha has skillful means, knowing exactly what to do to help clear out obscurations. So then isn’t most everyone floundering about with unskillful means? If this is so, then it comes down to intent. You can’t pick up a guitar the first time and play like a pro, it is a process of learning control and skill. You must have strong intent for an extended period of time to succeed and play decent guitar.

I actually have tried different aproaches to try and help others, using my gift of humor as best I can, some attempts have failed miserably and some came back to slap me in my face.

I don’t think I should wait until I’m a Buddha to try and help others. I understand certain aspects of the true nature of reality that others don’t and visa versa.

So if I could grasp the knowledge that Horatio, Thubtenkway, Fenix, Who is She?, Namdag, etc. has then that would help myself clear away my obscurations.

I think each of us has a little piece of the puzzle and only a Buddha sees the full picture. I will continue to try and help others with my unskillful ways so that i can find the skillful ways. As an unenlightened entity it is trial and error.


FENIX WROTE: this is a thing that often bothers me when i spend time thinking on it. i get all wrapped up and worried about whether or not i’m doing the right thing. or i get all wrapped up and worried about whether or not i’m making things worse. or i get all wrapped up and worried about how i may never ‘get it right’.

but then, i laugh at myself. because all of that is just my ego looking for a nice corner to hide in so i won’t find it and beat it with this big and lumpy stick again.

in reality, i naturally do precisely what is needed in any given moment. not by insight and wisdom, not by some superior ability to perceive this is so. no, those are the things of the peerless ones. i cannot see them. i do not know them. it would be an insult to insinuate i as much as breathe on them.

i am ignorant. unskillful. woefully lost. truly.

yet i naturally do precisely what is needed in any given moment.

how can this be?

i cannot say i “know”… but i have some guesses… and it has to do with the fact that there are, in truth, these peerless ones… whose means and skillfulness trump my own.

there is no doubt that you, too, beautiful turd, do precisely what is needed in any given moment. just as we all do.

it is my wish that the peerless ones deliver this comfort and insight in ways my pitiful, ignorant words likely will not manage. but if my ignorant and unskillful words may just hint to it enough to be benefit, perhaps the abject worthlessness of them in all other ways may be forgiven.

om benza sattva hum.

om mani padme hum.

hugging you still. *smile*

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