

On Wed, December 13, 2006 9:09 am, XXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:

> Well met, sister Phoenix!
> I have claimed my new identity.  XXXXXXXXXXXXX is dead.
> She committed suicide on Saturday night… it’s a long
> story, you may have it if you wish…
> Now stands XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in this body, and this
> life…and the changes will be sweeping and glorious.
> Namaste,

suicide is never fruitful. mostly because it is impossible to truly kill yourself, but also because to think so or try so is to deny and set aversion in place to one or more aspects of yourself that cannot be denied, must be dealt with, and only in the dealing can the benefit sought (for self or others) be found.

i will gladly listen to any story you wish to tell. but i am concerned with this focus on becoming something else (as opposed to being as is)… the names we take are no more or less important than the names we reject.

only the names we reject point to our hidden flaws… and the names we embrace point to our aspirations… and the names others give us point to our blind spots… and the names we give others point to theirs… and they all manage to point in all directions at once, but there are not enough eyes to see them all, not enough mind to think them all… which is as well since the point is not to think of them. heh. oh irony.

fractal life. beautiful, for all it ties the mind in knots. of course, this, only because one insists on trying to unfold that which cannot be unfolded.

anyway… more later.

Any heart may be the Rose of Healing that permits compassion to bloom.

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