happy tidings!


From: chris
Date: Dec 13 2006 3:01 AM

>I finally proposed to J—–. I know it took me long enough (4 years)
>but we are now engaged. We are waiting a while so we can finish
>some things that we are both focusing on though. Just wanted
>to share.

WOOOOOOO! HURRAY! :) congratulations and all that crap. hug J—- for me. then hug yaself. :)

life in florida is GOOD. i’m “officially” buddhist now, having taken refuge with an ‘honest to goodness for real tibetan monk’ that… (boggle) i found here, in florida.

never let it be said things don’t happen for a reason. every day that goes by just shows me all the more that they certainly do.

happy happy life to you both and here’s my address for the wedding invitation:


if you two are ever in the area and DO NOT get in touch with me, karma will get you. so like… don’t let that happen, m’kay? (grin)

love ya both. bunches. be well.

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