today’s backchannel – discernment

there really isn’t a way to say this without sounding arrogant. that bothers… because of all the list of adjectives, arrogant just isn’t here.


ok. saying it anyway.

i often see things others do not. sometimes i don’t even know how it is i see them. i just do. if someone asked me to explain how i know, i can’t. i just know. and in this tiny sliver of life, this very narrow spectrum of things, for reasons i can’t explain, i’m always right about the things i see.

i wish i weren’t. really. but i’ve been cut up pretty badly for trying to prove to myself that i’m wrong on one of these when i knew all along i was right.

i’d define the narrow spectrum i’m talking about, but it seems kind of pointless. anyway, that’s not why i’m putting this here.

the reason i’m putting this here is because today’s backchannel is ‘discernment’. actually, it’s more ‘how to keep your discernment to yourself because trying to share it often results in people snatching up pitchforks and talking about hanging trees.’

consider me grinning wryly.

no… really… i’ll be thinking about how to know when acting on information gleaned through discernment is helpful and when it is harmful. also, why it is that others often seem to fear discernment.

finally — what Buddhism and this tradition in it specifically say about discernment.

more later.

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