about face(s)

used to keep up on this and a few other ‘new science’ and psychological relations. got out of the habit. but this most interesting article reminds me of many things…

i remember some years ago reading the first hints of this kind of work and being completely intrigued. you see, where i come from, this is one aspect of a set of soft skills known as ‘street smarts’.


over the years, i’ve been playing with adapting this kind of intuitiveness (though likely it is simply a combination of genetics and awareness of surroundings) to the written word. specifically, to interactions in internet chat rooms and online games.

there are marked correlations between certain types and manners of phraseology and both mood, perspective, and general psychological makeup. i find myself wishing i had the luxury of formal effort and yes, education in this area… but in some ways, it may be better that i do not. being unconstrained by these things has delivered some remarkable insights over time and i do not think i would have them were i in any other situation or environment.

this article reminds me of all the notes and theories spun over the years. alas, a good many of them were lost in the hardware failure of ’02. but they’re still in my head… and it still intrigues me.

someday, i should do more with all of this.

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