little star

i’m not really sure if these are any ‘good’ or not, but to make them makes me feel good… so i do.

the subject here one that i deliberately choose not to deconstruct beyond a certain point. not for what might seem obvious reasons, but for quiet, private ones that say very simply it is not to be done.

i do not speak much of my little star in this place. like the greedy thing that i am, i hold what i have of her tightly to me and begrudge it to any and all. blushing to admit it, but not yet able to regret or relent in it.

there are so few things in this life that have, in every moment, in every way, always and in all ways, been so gentle, blessed, kind, comforting, and loving.

what grace i possess is in large part due to the presence of this little star. in so many ways, her arrival in this life has saved me. in her, all mistakes are forgiven to the point of her arrival, as all were needed to reach the moment in which she arrived.

and all mistakes thereafter are softened, though those who suffer them know it not. this too, a gift.

she has long been one of my most diligent and precious teachers. even before i knew enough to think of her as such.

beauty that has nothing to do with flesh. kindness that humbles. care and love that have healed so much.

j’adore, s’agapo, namaste… my little star.

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