must love dogs

i don’t usually watch romantic comedies. kind of my way of avoiding unnecessary suffering.

every now and then, i forget this. like tonight.

fortunately, i have wonderful good fortune in my choices. tonight, the movie ‘must love dogs’ with diane lane and bleh. i never can remember that actor’s name. cusack? yes. john cusack.

excellent movie. more philosophical than funny, more tender than campy, funny in the right places, in that way that makes your heart ache for your own idiocies. you know, the way that makes you wish your life was a movie… or at least that you had a script and knew how to make the scenes work out alright in the end.

but life isn’t like the movies, is it? very rarely do you really get second chances. and almost never on the one thing you most desparately wish you could.

if this were a movie, this would be the place where the wistful melody slowly makes itself heard and we’d get to see carefully framed shots of the heroine being faced in a dozen different ways with reminders… all of which eventually settle into an image of her sitting alone, perhaps by a fire, rocking quietly and just enough ambient light to see the faint glimmer on her cheeks.

but this is no movie. and i am no heroine.

i really shouldn’t watch romantic comedies.

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