call the press! (iMac attack)

i preface this by saying that i am not, usually, a materialistic or mercenary person.

i dislike having to think about it, i dislike constantly facing it as a consideration, and i dislike the way almost everything in the world that is made by man embraces it.


i accept it as necessary because to do otherwise would, simply, be delusional.

and, in pursuit of certain efforts that are helpful, enjoyable, and beneficial to others, and yes, myself, i have finally accepted that it is time to start saving up for an upgrade.

with this said, a friend at work immediately began to laud the new iMac and tell me all the reason why i really should stop tormenting myself with PCs.

i have to admit, i am very close to being sold.

understand, i say this as a staunch-to-the-point-of-rabidity PC user since the 8088.

frankly, i just can’t take it anymore.

i’m tired of building machines. i’m tired of the constant fighting with drivers. i’m tired of the licensing issues and security issues and the way you never quite get the kind of support and service an outlay of several hundred dollars (or more!) should warrant.

i’m tired of finding my entire rig discontinued and unsupported in less than a year.

i remember the first time i made this choice. i chose the PC because i didn’t like that i couldn’t get my hands on the insides of the Mac. and i didn’t like that they were so rigid about dictating what they would or would not work with… apparently, they’ve learned their lesson.

add to this, i see that iMac (or Apples in general) come with some damn good and amazingly, FREE applications that do very precisely what i’m interested in doing. and from every, last Mac user i have talked to… they do it damn well.

should i bother laying out what flips and twists i have to go through to accomplish anything creatively on my PC? let’s just say by the time i’m done, i need a day off just to get over being frustrated.

so… as bizarre as it may seem to any who know me… i think i may well, at long, long last, be making the switch and leaving the increasingly fractured PC market behind.

of course, it will take me several months to even get close to the amount needed to accomplish this (since i refuse to partake of the ursury that is credit cards)…. but i will eventually get there, and when i do, look out. 🙂

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