you know who you are…

this is to you. you know who you are. i’ll keep it simple. short. terse even.

go. away.

i see you in the logs. were i you, i’d call it stalking, wouldn’t i?

what do i have to do, ban the entire state’s range?

you have hurt me enough. you’ve judged me enough. you’ve condemned and slandered and impugned me enough. you’ve repeatedly demonstrated it, until even i couldn’t take it any more.

you have never expressed regret, nor remorse for your actions or words. not once. i would say that ‘until you do’, i cannot deal with you anymore… but in truth, here, now, i really don’t think that would make much difference.

i am done with you. utterly. enough is enough.

why are you even here? no. strike that question. i don’t want to know. all ways but one, and damn if you aren’t making even that difficult.

go away.

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