Of power and choice…

two things before i post this… (1) i really should be in bed right now. (2) thank the stars for coffee.

this item, copied from a place in which i am intermittently active, is a profound thing to me.

placing it here to remember. and to share.

A young man caught a small bird, and held it behind his back.

He then asked, “Master, is the bird I hold in my hands alive or dead.”

The boy thought this was a grand opportunity to play a trick on the old man. If the master answered “dead”, it would be let loose into the air. If the master answered “alive”, he would simply wring its neck.

The master spoke, “The answer is in your hands”.

it is always in our hands. smile for the moments in which the bird lived. weep for the moments in which, ignorant and selfish, its tiny neck was wrung.

every moment is thus held.

remember. remember. choose life.

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