gifts from the universe

today was an amazing day for several reasons, but mostly for a gift received from the universe.

since about March of 2006, my bed has been a mattress that has lain upon whatever floor i have called ‘home’. i have wrestled with the thought of trying to save for a ‘legitimate’ bed, but have in large part, pushed back at myself in this by saying ‘it really shouldn’t matter’ and ‘when i can afford better, i’ll get it’.

today, i decided to come home for lunch… funds being tight as they are, eating at home is mandatory if i wish to eat at all. so. home for lunch.

i arrive and find my landlady and her husband in the parking lot. apparently, a downstairs neighbor has skipped, leaving them with a royal mess to clean up.

i express my condolences for the unexpected dent in occupancy and am about to go upstairs to my apartment when the landlady pipes up, “oh, hey… is your mattress still on the floor?”

i nod slowly and reply that yes, it is, in fact. no embarrassment, just fact.

she grins, “would you like a bed?”

it turns out the occupants left a bed in the apartment. the mattress is not useable, but that’s ok… as conveniently, i have one.

the boxspring is old, but serviceable, and the frame itself is solid wood and in excellent condition.

and it is the correct size.

so. a beautiful gift from the universe and one that reminds me of how when one is where one is supposed to be, doing what one is supposed to be doing, all things flow to their right place.

even when it’s as small and simple a thing as getting my mattress off the floor.

i smile.

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