a decision

there is much benefit in taking the time to really think things over, and, when one has done so, to act in accord with what is known to be right in each of the eight important ways.

i have, tonight, reached a decision.

actually, i have reached four decisions, but they are all related and so, may as well be considered as one.

first and most importantly, i have met my own required ‘best effort’ to give others the opportunity to do the right thing. the opening being completely ignored, i am now free to proceed, secure in the knowledge that, as ever, i made an effort to cooperate, collaborate.

i now move to the next decision to make… is it acceptable here? i have spent about three weeks prior to this last request pondering that question. i conclude it is not. thus, moving to the third decision…

is what i consider proper and right in intent, motivation, and action? this answer is easy, quick, and clear. yes to all. hence, moving to the last decision…

am i willing to commit the time, effort, and resources to see it through? also a ‘yes’.

so. all hurdles cleared, i prepare to proceed.

and so it is.

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