evening update – thoughts

whew. well. literally worked all day. oddly, i feel very refreshed.

you know that feeling you get when you’re turning ugly, hairy, nasty, hurtful, shadowy things into petals, sunlight, wind, water, light?

that’s the one.

groove salad all day long. humming happily to pick out templates, create a logo, set the boundaries, fill in the blanks… start the process of processing.

i do so wish there were a way to import. heh. but, no matter. i think perhaps the rhythm of the work is helping me somehow.

open the file, select all, copy, paste into notepad, select all, cut, paste into wordpress, set title, modify timestamp, calculate correct EST, publish.

lather, rinse, repeat.

1994 to 2007. i laugh at myself. yes, this will take some time. i did well to plan the initial project for his birthday. for all that is no more. still, the timeline seems correct. hmm. it very likely it will not go much faster, for all that i will not proceed until these are tagged, entered, and safe.

it had occurred to me to just make pages of them. but that’s rather lazy, i think. i want to do it right. make it a place where people can search for concepts, phrases, authors, etc and use search to filter down to what they want to use to scrytch from…

also, i think the people over the years who bought into this and believed, who sent so much of themselves in good faith… i think they deserve to be more than a peep in a wall of text.

even if the ultimate point and purpose is that ownership is not. and all things are the same, or will eventually become so.

more a thank you than anything, i suppose.

anyway… for all it has been a busy day, it has been a good one. i am tired. my eyes are burning. but i am smiling. this will not die. and for all some things are poisoned and mercilessly murdered, this will not be one of them.

yes. i smile.

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