historical ironies…

working on the archives, march of 1994, the following item is next in line for the posting… a grimace and i manage not to roll my eyes.

Date: Wed, 16 Mar 1994 12:07:45 -0600 (CST)
From: HEATH MICHAEL REZABEK (*REZABEH1648.scr@scr.cobra.uni.edu*)
Subject: scrytch : blah

Sometimes one simple needs large chunks of meaningless text. Sometimes these sorts of things are necessary. Sometimes utility must take precedence over quality. Sometimes one simply must make concessions. It is a frustrating
worls, yet it is the only one we have. Some day all text will be as useless and superfluous as this text is — some would say, in fact, that this has always been the case, and always will be, scrytch or no. we must practice tolerance of different viewpoints and approaches.

then i remember all the things i’ve said and ponder someone sitting out there holding them against me. and i relent. in most ways. but it still sits wry and ironic here.

edit to add — the quote of the moment, given by zaadz, seems timely:

“The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be.”

indeed. the bile of recent days is sieving away and i begin once more to smile for knowing this is a thing untouched and untainted by anger… mine or anyone else’s.

a happy thought. 🙂

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