a small smile for consideration…

you know, the funny part of this is that, regardless, the work is being done for them yet again. i chuckle, and have a genuine smile. does it matter that what they would refuse when offered they will take when it is done and available? no. not at all. not here, anyway.

i ponder that a moment. isn’t it odd how those who prefer hate and anger and fear are the first to find such ways to ‘get over’ on those who seek only kindness?

stars. the anger and hate here already washes out to something very much like pity. yet another new feeling. but i cannot help but pity them. how must it be to be so very certain others wish you ill? to walk day to day filled with fearful thoughts of such things?

i smile anyway. stream it, feed it, rss it, enjoy it. i suppose they will assume i don’t know. may the thought bring them enjoyment, such base a thing as it may be. may they sit in some corner coffeeshop and giggle over how they ‘got me’ and never know i knew all along.

how horribly sad. really. between that and the insistence upon ‘having’ and ‘owning’ and pissing on the doorway to keep others out… how do they still manage to wonder why it’s down to nothing but oldtimers on the porch, mumbling of days gone by?

i look forward to seeing it reborn. phoenix for a fenix for no fee nix. hah.

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