interesting evening and a reading…

a little bird sent me a whisper that brought at once a chuckle and a sigh.

the chuckle for the utter reliability of certain folks and their ever choosing fear as the first reaction… and a sigh for the reality this is so.

no, i have no interest in the third domain. just as i have no interest in you. as hard as it may be for one like you to accept, sometimes, it really is… just… what… it… is.

that’s all i really feel the need to say on the matter…. so, turning to other things…

i had a reading tonight that really blew my mind. it is a thing i’ve not undertaken in some time, and of late, i’ve felt a real urge to do so. here, such urges have always been found wise after the fact, so i rarely ignore them.

the reading itself was very likely the most validating and rewarding experience i’ve enjoyed in some time. at every possible point in it, certain things were underscored, confirmed, direction and choices were found proper and of right intent and motivation.

in all ways, gift, balm, and blessing. i thought to include it all here, and do have the reading as well as the text of the individual items from it. it will be a bit of typing to get it prepared, as both questions and context will need to be added. one of the reasons i record these readings, actually.

suffice to say, a good number of things were confirmed. all to the good and what admonishment lay in it were among things already accepted and set to shifting. so, relief there as well.

a happy day, in every way, and all signs of clear skies ahead.

i feel very thankful for it.

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