scrytch isn’t a list, nor may it be owned

placing reminders as i go. this, a chat log.

7:48 PM me: WOMAN speak. ๐Ÿ™‚
A: hello dear
7:49 PM I don’t suppose you have any idea why Googlegorups is requiring me to approve every post, do you?
me: i’ve been wearing myself out on my daughter’s late christmas present. would you like to see?
A: Yes!
me: you’re the mod. it’s your job. lucky you. (grin)
incoming linkage…
[[ removed ]]
7:50 PM she hasn’t even seen it yet. and it’s still bare bones. i’ve been drilling out the css and layout and modding the template and getting the gallery in place and pant pant pant… heh
7:51 PM A: Oh, that’s beautiful!
7:52 PM Wow, is that her photo? She’s a lovely young lady. How old is she?
me: i’m hoping to get her off of… (shudder) my space.
yes. she is 18.
A: Oooogh, yeah, I call it MySleaze
me: horrid place, really. initially thought it might be worth something, but seems to just draw … bleh.
7:53 PM it’s the aol of online networking. =/
A: I get it on the mod thing, you sneaky woman!
me: heh
A: You didn’t want to be moderator
me: oh, no… that’s not it at all
A: So you withdrew knowing I’d step up!
me: hah
A: ๐Ÿ˜›
Yeah, I know
me: i was actually rather hoping you’d see what i see and decide the same.
A: I just couldn’t resist
me: i know
A: !!!
7:54 PM Oh, hell no
me: hmm?
A: It’s too cool an idea to let die
me: it can’t die. that’s just it.
A: This has nothing to do with Heathykins
me: sure sure. (grin) i said that too. for a while. but it’s ok. (hug) but seriously… listen…
A: He gave birth to something magnificent and is now turning it into a mockery of what it should be
me: the idea that is important isn’t what he’s doing.
and it isn’t what that place or that name might ever be
A: So, I had to make sure there would be a truly open source, open to everyone place to play
me: and it isn’t about making it open
or keeping it closed
it’s about realizing something
it’s all scrytch. it always has been. even before he ever ‘came up’ with the name. do you really think he invented this?
and do you realize why he must think so?
A: Sure
7:56 PM me: don’t let it snare you.
A: But, having discovered the idea myself…
I have to have a place to do it with others
It’s too beautiful not to
me: girl, we all do. it’s called the world. the internet. and it happens everywhere, all the time, and no one cares what it is called or who mods it or if its open or closed. do you see?
7:57 PM A: Ah, but I like having a list where people do it in a more focused way
it tends to really bring out some amazing stuff
I like where Skreetch is headed
me: heh. i do understand. i’m just saying…
for me anyway
A: I’m into collaboration
7:58 PM me: i had to let it go because there was no way i was ever really going to forget how i heard that name. even as that name is now linked forever with how i do what i do. and while i wish it wasn’t, i’m not even going to bother making that an anchor.
A: Ah, see for me it’s easy to just let go of that and embrace the spirit of collaboration
but you have the stuff with heath
7:59 PM I can see where it would be hard
me: actually, i don’t anymore. that’s kind of the point.
A: nod
me: this has been a week of er… well… fenix rising. for lack of a better meme
A: I understand that one well
me: it’s all on the blog. fucking tsunami. heh.
8:00 PM A: Hmm, I’ll have to go read all of it
I’ve read chunks, but not the entire deluge
me: there’s a lot there. i don’t know anyone but me who has read it ALL… and even i tend to skip around these days. heh. i know where the markers are though…
8:01 PM A: hahahahahaha
yeah, that sounds like my blog, some weeks
liek this last one, for example ๐Ÿ™‚
me: my own, personal graveyard, carnival, beltane trysting ground, whatever.
A: yup
8:02 PM me: which works. and was part of why i posted what i did. not to thumb my nose ‘at them’… to say i don’t have to have ‘a place’ to ‘do this’ because i already do. and have. even before there was an internet.
long before, actually.
it’s called my head. and notebooks. heh.
and bbs’s
and old forums. and whatever else.
8:03 PM they still ping my blog. i can’t say i understand why. it is curious to watch though.
A: They do?
OK, that’s definitely weird
8:04 PM me: well, several someones in austin are… i suppose it could NOT be them… but highly unlikely given GPS location
and originating IPs.
who knows. i note it and let it go. just curious. makes me wonder if he is struggling as i did.
8:05 PM and i won’t wonder for that much longer.
which is nice.
8:06 PM anyway… time to go be social. i lead a guild in an online game. tonight is the night we gather by a fire and tell stories. heh. if i don’t put in an appearance, they pout.
can’t have that. (grin)
A: heeeeeee
me: good chatting with you. glad to know you made it home and all is well. take of you. (hug)
A: That’s sounding like fun
me: it is.
8:07 PM A: take care of you, dear… I’m off to have a lovely time with an old friend, some roasted garlic, baked brie and stew.
me: yum. enjoy. ๐Ÿ™‚
~waves and heads out~

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