evening emails and of sleeping on it


On Mon, January 15, 2007 8:29 am, **** wrote:

> Sorry about your bricks . May this week for you be a Flood of pings.
> Pings are good.

thank you for the good thoughts. i need them right now. a situation
thought finally put to the dust rises once more to wave its bitter hands
and set still more acrimony into being.

i’m truly torn. part of me is just about decided to haul these two idiots
into court and demonstrate point blank, face to face, that there IS a
difference between their paranoiac persecution fantasies and cold, hard
reality. and the cold, hard reality is all i want from either of them is

the other part is just trying to get me mind around the reality that is
their ongoing bizarreness.

i can honestly say i have never in all my life seen anyone work this hard
to be afraid of someone so completely disinterested in them in every
conceivable way. it just… boggles the mind.

i mean, i’ve heard of grudge holding before, but holy fuck, these two take
it to epic proportions. it is, apparently, eating them alive that i am not
going to just stop having a life because they dislike me.

i won’t even bother to talk about the weirdness that is seeing this level
of abject vindictiveness and willingness to speak such lies as truths as
they have been revealed to be doing.

in all my anger over their various stupidities to date, never once have i
had any urge or need to do such a thing. indeed, in the one place left
that anyone might ever hear their names, they are honored for what good
they did manage, even if, in the end, all they could manage was to try and
tear it to pieces.

they come here and read here as if this place should be of any interest to
them at all. this is my place. my space. this is the place where i wrestle
with myself and work to learn and grow. were the tables turned, they would
call what they now do stalking. oh irony.

i have the brief ready. my attorney says i have both standing and an
air-tight case. i really do NOT want to have to do this. but i swear to
the stars, if they do not LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE and stop their slander,
i will.

and by my soul, if i am set to this, they will know the meaning of what
real anger is.

i will sleep on it as i always do. and likely speak to my lama before
deciding. i am no longer willing to endure this psychotic behavior. it
needs to end and it needs to end NOW.

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