of justifying the unjustifiable

archiving another chat log… here, reminding myself why it no longer matters, and also, why the thought of what has and continues to happen is sad.

12:30 PM me: home for lunch.
didn’t see comments pasted in… but now curious. hah. what was said?
12:32 PM A: Ooops, my bad
me grab now
forgot to paste
me: no worries.
7 minutes
12:39 PM A: hokay, sent
12:40 PM me: gracias
curiosity is ever harsh to me. heh.
A: Oh yes, I am the same way
12:43 PM me: well. that tells me a lot. specifically that both heath and michael continue to paint me as some stalker psycho. since there is very little reason any reasonable person would agree to see me banned not knowing me and seeing my contributions to date were no more or less than scrytch itself.
12:44 PM prior to now, that would anger me. right now, it just makes me sad. people and their irrationalities. so odd.
12:46 PM A: Yup
But what is telling is that Stone seems to be refuting what is claimed
Stone has been a big contributor to the list
If this was a decision by 99% of the contributing body of scrytch…
12:47 PM Why was stone not involved?
me: ah well. done is done. but this confirms many things, and sets others into the light. there is certainly some manner of ownership contingent who feel utterly justified in striking people off participation… and that was and remains the ultimate ‘issue’ with scrytch as it is.
perhaps they need to revise their charter. if for no other reason, in the name of honesty.
A: the crew are trying to paint it as having been a democratic decision, but it appears to have been done by some secret cabal of influential types
me: if such things ever matter that is.. .
A: And that right there is bullshit
me: it really isn’t an issue here anymore. i just read that and think ‘wow… how sad’
12:48 PM A: the fact that the list itself did not even know about the decision is fucked up
that really shows that they are full of shit, and just acting on a whim
me: it is not unusual in my experience of the two i know. what tends to boggle me is the perspective that there’s no malice in it. how can you ever say you cut someone off without malice? the very act is malice. just odd.
A: And while I personally am done with them and their pitiful little scene, I am pleased to see Stone bringing it into the public eye
12:49 PM Yes. Their claim of no malice is total bullshit.
me: it likely will only get her banned if she’s not willing to roll over at some point.
A: No doubt.
me: ripples extending, you know? such things just never really end.
A: They can keep banning any dissentors until only those who toe the party line are left.
12:50 PM me: pretty much. which makes the point — the first such act in that line all but insures the eventuality.
A: And then they will have their incestuous closed little circle.. and perhaps that will please them
if such miserable beings are ever pleased
they will be safe then
me: that doesn’t seem to register with them. likely for purposes involving personal safety of … well… can you call it other than delusion?
A: exposed only to what they have chosen, no dangerous fresh breezes, only stale thoughts.
12:51 PM I have invited Stone to Skreetch/The Rainbow Citadel
me: i saw that.
A: I will continue to invite in any who get booted from there
and keep open a place where truly all views and modes of expression are welcome
12:52 PM me: i follow it for fodder to my own scrytching… but i suspect they will eventually ban my ip from the domain itself… at which point i suppose i’ll scrytch the world rather than their tiny island. it may be for the best if i were to just do that anyway.
there is definitely part of me that realizes…
as long as i follow any of it at all, even if only to create scrytch, it will always be something of a thorn, they show no sign of ever just letting it go. or of accepting i did months back. the whole ‘why do people have to be like this?’ thing… you know?
12:53 PM A: I do know.
12:54 PM A:  I think I will monitor for now, to see what the response to Stone is… and then when that dies down, leave it behind.
me: anyway. life goes on. and it seems to me that despite my own disdain for how things have progressed, there are lessons in it for anyone who care to see them. i’ve found mine. let’s hope others will, too.
time to get back to work. enjoy the day. (smile)
A: You too!

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