reply from my lama

my lama reminds me of two things… of that which we had at that time agreed. first, that all such things would be placed here, second, that when faced with any more such things, i would turn instead to these.

it has taken me the entire day and now, his words, to remind me.

they have been part of ongoing practice ever since. this has been the first day they were forgotten. i am supposed to thank you. i find it hard. well nigh impossible.

thank you. thank you. thank you for everything.

even if between gritted teeth.

i am supposed to tell you that you build your own karma in this. and that my choice is whether or not i will add to my own or not.

i choose more wisely in this moment.

do as you will. as you always have. as you cannot help but do.

i will no longer remember more than what i have set forth to remember in those two pieces. for all it will take some time to forget.

om benza sattva hum

om dhrum swaha

om gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi swaha

Namo bhagavate Bhaishajya-guru vaidurya-praba-rajaya tathagataya arthate samyak-sambuddhaya tadyata OM bhaishajye bhaishajye bhaishajya-samudgate svaha

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