ripples… extending

archival. hindsight is never pretty. but perhaps something good comes of it. one can hope.

This item hit the scrytch list today…


From: *****
Subject: Re: FW: Scrytch – An Invitation
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 14:54:45 +0000
score=4.961, required 6, BAYES_50 4.00, NO_REAL_NAME 0.96)

An email from another scrytcher, to me, that I have chosen to post the response to on list, for good or ill. S/he remains anonymous, hopefully for the obvious reasons.

————– Original message ———————-
From: Another scrytcher

*) On 1/11/07, ****** wrote:
*) *) Wait.
*) *)
*) *) Never mind.
*) *)
*) *) Got caught up on reading.
*) *)
*) *) All is clear-ish.

Sun Jan 14 22:48:24 2007

*) *)
*) Uh….it is?
*) Another Scrytcher



It would appear, at first read, that one particular scrytcher felt compelled to gush forth upon the list in a manner that a sufficient number of other “controlling” scrytchers felt was wildly out of sync with the stated mission/purpose/point of scrytch.

While I’m unsure, exactly, how the messages posted transgressed, I can see the “invisible hand” of scrytch at work, specifically, in how the aforesaid scrytcher suddenly, as if by magic, disappeared from the list. An “abuser” as it were, as if no one in the world had ever developed a killfile, or the abilty to sieve one’s own email box.

To say that I’m unhappy with the end result would be inaccurate. It’ seems a large unwieldy field rock was employed, when a chisel would have sufficed.

It’s unfortunate, at least for me, as my long hiatus from the scribbling has finally come to an end, and I was looking forward to playing in the scrytch sandlot for same.

Instead of co-conspirators, I now feel like I’m surrounded by informers. Editors even.



My reaction here is severalfold and I’m still sorting it out…

I am sad because I did not want to ‘be right’ with regard to what I thought was happening actually being what was happening (e.g., that people were not aware this manner of control was in place and being misused/abused).

I am angry because I feel as if this validates my initial thought that what has happened is, in fact, out of spirit and tune with what Scrytch is and was meant to be, as held not only by its originators (before they forgot), but also, apparently, by a good number of the list members. And that this is simply… ignored… by those holding the reigns is a disturbing thing.

I am regretful because it never needed to happen. I wasn’t there to interact with or “torment” Heath or Michael. I was… just…there…to…scrytch. (even as I realize that the person Stone is referring to in this is someone else, and that my own banning is completely transparent to them – ed.)

And lastly, I am pensive, because, realizing for myself that there is no ‘going home’… that even if they said they’d let me back, I’m now self-confined to the sidelines, it remains that the ripples of their choices and my reactions continue to spread… I can only hope the combination of the two sets eventually cancel one another out.

Setting this on the blog for myself… remember. remember. remember until you forget why you do. then remember that what you remember isn’t a sign of what is wrong with them, only what is wrong with you.


edit to add correspondence relevant:

On 1/15/07, ***** wrote:

> Go Stone! Rockin’. It’s nice to see that at least one of those still on
> the list does feel that what happened was against the nature of scrytch and
> has the balls to speak out against it.
> thank you… I need to keep an eye on the scrytch archives to be up on this
> sort of thing.

They’re talking about you, of course. They have no idea of me, and very likely never will. You may well be invited back from this…. not sure if that is of interest to you or not. Suffice to say, I think they will happily invite you back if it means being able to sweep me under the rug. (crooked smile)

I wouldn’t go back anyway. No reason to… so long as I can read the archives and use it as intended to make and enjoy Scrytch, I really don’t care if it is ‘in the officially sanctioned’ area or not. And since it’s all Scrytch anyway, being included in the archives or not doesn’t really matter, either.

It’s funny really… in the end, I wind up with a much longer view of it and appreciation for it and both exceed the grasping hands of those who would ‘own’…. including even myself.

Heh. Imagine that. (smile)


And one more, undertaken simply because the point is the point and the point, now in process of being made, should be underscored:

From: aletheia
Subject: For what it is worth…
Date: Mon, January 15, 2007 8:54 am
To: *****

It is more than one. How many more than one, I could not say, as I know only of myself and Catling. But the real question is… how many more are there that you simply never heard about? How many people who ‘just stopped posting’ did not actually ‘just stop posting’ but were, in fact, silenced?

Aletheia (silenced 12-05-06)

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