01-16-07 morning thoughts

i slept so peacefully last night that it actually surprised me. green tara and medicine Buddha and the two practices. Rinpoche was right, why forget good things for the foolishness that is self, pride, and fear?

sumatran black satin. ah, delight. and tonight, the fella calls from a business trip in illinois. he’ll be coming to visit again soon. heh. i can’t decide whose more enthused for it. not that we’re competing, mind you.

life goes on.

today’s quote:

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “thank you,” it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart

funny thing about that… the more you say it, the easier it gets to say.

thank you. thank you. truly, thank you for everything.

and without grit teeth.

imagine that. (smile)

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