afternoon delight 01

archival. oh my goodness. new people are just the bomb. honestly. 🙂

On Wed, January 17, 2007 1:52 pm, ***** wrote:

> Dear Lady,
> I have managed to read some more blog. I am touched and challenged
> and now knocked clean of the perfect balance I had maintained here in my
> comfortable rut. I am experiencing a flooding of feelings crowding upon
> me, unleashed from some secret dam, by the words of your rinpoche and by
> some of the pithy aphorisms you have collected.

well. whew. that makes two of us. (grin) well, i mean, i wasn’t knocked
off balance until i read this… i can’t decide if i should blush, cry,
laugh, or just sit here and savor the ‘jackass eating briars’ smile.

or kick my ego square in ‘dah jimmy’.

or all the above. heh.

> For all the recognitions of
> forgotten truths, any flood is sure to rearrange some terrain, which is
> rarely a comfortable experience for the terrain itself. The statues of the
> gods are swept clean of their blackened cortex and are gleaming with the
> glory of the reflected golden sun. I am floating in the warm but turbulent
> waters, with no one at the helm.

goodness. that’s a nice bit of pith. and humbling to read. i didn’t do
this. you did. reaction is only a thing a writer can hope for, never
know… at least, not until or unless someone has the kindness to reach
out and tell them.

so thank you.

> Your writing is amazing. You are irrepressible. You wrestle with
> demons and subdue them with gentleness. You remind me of a huge kelp
> bladder, which when touched with the most tentative and feather light
> finger, releases a vortex of bubbles that set the toucher and the sea
> itself to boil.

Hah! I like this! Kelp bladder indeed. Oh if only I could be a kelp
bladder… none of these ridiculous thoughts chasing themselves ’round the
bush like so many children ignoring the school bell.

There’s the new slogan for Buddhism in the western world… ‘Be The Kelp
Bladder.’ I’m tempted to have it made into a bumper sticker just to drop
pebbles of puzzlement throughout the world… could you imagine? Dinner
discourse at first the rare, random ping… ‘Honey, I saw the strangest
bumper sticker today… “Be The Kelp Bladder”… do you have any idea what
it means?”

The new memetic virus, sweeping away all thoughts of sushi, protein
drinks, and Cortisol… dancing in the streets, spontaneous enlightenment
happening like sunlight over the rockies… world peace by midnight

Love it. (grin)

> Alas, I have only fragments of time to read and to write (here at
> work). So the best I can offer is fragmentary. Nothing that a gallon of
> coffee and a rainy Saturday couldn’t redress.

Offer? Offer? Drat that Atlanta is a state away. I could call the rain,
I’m pretty sure. Seed a few clouds, do a few ancient dances, cull the
excess energy wasted at gas pumps and teller windows to my bidding. Hrm…
(thoughtful look)

> I am strongly feeling that I must “do something”. I am a mudball.
> Don’t ask why that image because I surely do not know. It just came out.
> Maybe it was the “do something” at play. So I just let my fingers say
> “kelp bladder” and “mudball”. Now I am laughing my ass off. Tears.
> Bye for now. Namaste. Bonzai.
> P.S. I feel like stealing your “tear the sky” image, with or without your
> permission. I think it has appeared twice? It’s very good.

It works. Smiling here. Chuckle and a bit of giddy girl in the meadow
grinning for the reaction you share. Thank you for that. And thank you for
being you.

Perhaps you should be a mudball more often. Or even a Kelp Bladder. Fish
mouth faces while a stream of liquid sound rolls meaninglessly yet somehow
perfectly off the tongue…. round chipmunk cheeks that refuse to take
serious stares and disapproving, borderline fear to heart, to mind, or to

I fear I can’t claim ‘tear the sky’. It was scrytched, snitched, part of a
collaborative effort. Hard to explain. Hit the ‘scrytch’ link at the blog
for a small overview. To detail more would be to uncork a story too long
for email, or perhaps even blogging…. but then…

… a gal’s got to have something to leverage for that gallon of coffee.


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