brief thought on guilt…

thoughts on guilt, from a shared area, this, my reply to another asking for help on dealing with guilt.

not like i can really know this is going to be good advice, hell, i’m human too and often stubbing my toes all over the place. but… for me… guilt is usually a sign i’m not admitting something to myself. which is kind of silly, since i already know it and the only reason i feel badly is that i’m not allowing myself to ‘fess up to it.

usually that happens when there is some other factor or set of factors that i think are going to ‘be worse’ for me in some way if i cop to it.

or there are other people involved and i think i’m doing any of us a favor to be other than completely, bluntly, honest with us.

when we’re really at peace, there is no guilt. when i find myself feeling guilty, the first thing i ask myself is, ‘ok… here… in my secret, safe, no-one-will-ever-know place (mind)… what is it that i’m REALLY wanting to do? wishing i could do? wishing i could avoid? wishing was different?’

and i give myself permission to be honest with myself. and to this day, so long as i am, i’ve never let me down. (and since that’s where guilt really comes from….)

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