addendum – flowers and garbage (suchness)

Flowers and garbage. We choose which we turn to. It’s all suchness. Faced with garbage, I wait for flowers. They come as all things do in time. Patience isn’t a bad thing, and if I cannot make the flowers grow, I will instead wait for them to arrive as they will.

That is not the same as saying there are no flowers. Nor is it the same as saying there is only garbage. Nor is it saying I even know which are which. Which is funny and sad all at once.

I do not wish to heap my garbage in this place. And I am sad when I perceive others do, because it means I do not yet fully understand how to stop preferring flowers over garbage.

I admit it. And after all, garbage makes flowers grow eventually, too… so maybe even such silly, sad, stupidity… garbage… as is here will, eventually, make a flower.

But for now, I sit.

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