can i get an amen?!?

hah. one of the memories from youth rises to give me the perfect title for this post.

this, a piece from a thread where the discussion involved the difference between empathy, sympathy, compassion, and pity. in this moment, speaking of self-pity and the various mechanisms by which it thrives:

To use your food analogy, they ask for a candy bar, you offer a hot meal, and they reject it saying “what, are you trying to tell me you know what is good for me?!?” or somehow convince themselves they “need’ the candy bar, even if they know deep-down the hot meal is what they really need…

wowsah. this rocked me on my heels when i found it today. i wish i’d written it. heh.

if i had to sum up the thing that causes the most regret/remorse here for the idiocy that happened through 2006, this would definitely do it.

don’t really need to say anything more. that really does say it all.

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